The Challenge Of America Ministries

The Foundation for Revival:
The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Christian Maturing.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ: The gift of Salvation.

A person does not have a relationship with the one true and living God unless he or she has been born again spiritually. The Bible tells us that we must be born again to enter into heaven. But since only the pure and unblemished is allowed to dwell with the Holy God, this leaves a problem with man because the Bible also tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Our sin is what separates us from God. And God, being the perfect judge, must demand payment and punishment for sin.

But God made a way for man to escape punishment through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came in the form of man, suffered and died on the cross, and rose agiain from the dead, as a substitutionary payment for our sins. Accepting this truth by humbling yourself before God with prayer, faith, and repentance, gives you eternal life in heaven when you die or should the Lord Jesus return. Rejecting this truth means you will have to pay your own debt to God through eternal punishment in hell.

(Read Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, Rom 10:9, John 3:16, Rom 5:6-8, Acts 16:30-31)

How to grow as a Christian.

Be sure of your salvation. You cannot grow spiritually unless you are first born spiritually. And you cannot grow spiritually unless you have the security of the promises of God's Word. This is where faith comes in: we must believe and trust fully in what the Bible says. Only then will we have a strong foundation on which to build a strong faith and Christian walk.

Saturate yourself with the spiritual. You will be influenced by many things, mainly those that occupy most of your time. Spend your time reading the Bible, and then other good Christian literature. Listen to Christian radio without a worldly compromise. Purge your life of outside influences that have little or no value in your spiritual walk - television, magazines, certain entertainment, and yes, certain friends. You will know what or who may actually be holding you from spiritual growth.

Follow God's commands.

Read the Bible constantly to stay fresh and informed on God's Word as it relates to all areas of our lives.

Join a local church that teaches from the Bible as the only inspired Word of God.

Fellowship with other believers regularly. Socialize mainly with those of our new family, those who will encourage and lift each other up.

And tell others of the good news that God has given us! Tell others of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Share your faith with others as often as possible, to those you live and work with and to others in your daily travels and errands. Plan special personal and group outreaches to your community and other areas to bring the message of hope to those dying in their sin. Be creative and consistant in your witnessing. Only through you as God's instrument will others hear the eternal life-changing message of the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Follow the command to go into all the world and preach and teach all of God's Word.

(Read I John 5:10-13, I John 1:8-10, Acts 2:41-42, Acts 5:29, I Thes 5:16-24, Mat 28:18-20, II Tim 2:15)

The Gospel
This means: Good News!

Pray, Read God's Word: the Bible,
Worship, Fellowship, Witness.